If you have any questions, comments or feedback or if you’d like to know more about my programs and offerings, just fill out the form below.

In the meantime, visit my Facebook Business Page for resources 



3091 Alhambra Drive
Cameron Park, CA, 95682
United States

(916) 934-4339

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Healing happens in a moment

You are a healer, conscious entrepreneur, mother, and wife.

You multitask, delegate and juggle.

Slaying dragons, wiping away tears…

Your superpower is love and gratitude.

You have an inner knowing about yourself,

A determination and commitment that is unwavering.

But somewhere along the way,

In caring for your family, your clients,

You’ve lost your way.

Your energy became entangled,

To-do lists, client needs, and PTA meetings.

And you deserve so much more than that.

Your desire to be heard, acknowledge,

Being seen, being heard, and being loved is easier than you think.

Your soul led you to me.

Are you ready to say YES?

Clear emotional, energetic clutter

to Unlock the greatness in you.

APPLY for  a Free 30 minutes Strategy Session Today