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3091 Alhambra Drive
Cameron Park, CA, 95682
United States

(916) 934-4339



What is Chronic Reverse Polarity

Hue Nguyen

Do you feel used up? Drained? Does your business suffer from your inability to handle stress? Maybe you have tried to organize your life and ambitions maybe you have sought coaching to improve your business, but nothing seems to work. When nothing helps, it’s easy to give in and think you just weren’t cut out to be an entrepreneur or that you’re stuck in an endless rut. If this describes you, you could be experiencing symptoms from reverse polarity—a condition from which the majority of those who undergo regular stress suffer.

The human body is a self-generating electric system—from the function of our nerves to the beating of our hearts. Electricity produces a magnetic field, even in the human body. The natural polarity of our body can be reversed by stressors, just like a magnetic field in the Earth. When the polarity of your body reverses, problems such as fatigue, depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, cancer, ADHD, and many other conditions can impact your body.

As if suffering from depression, anxiety, and fatigue weren’t problematic enough, this can impact more than just your health. When your polarity is reversed and you are putting out negative energy, you will attract that energy right back. The law of attraction states that what you put out into the world you get back in kind. From a personal and business standpoint, this is a problem.

To help understand this, we’ll use the example of an entrepreneur with reverse polarity. When he wakes up in the morning, he feels tired—he already has a poor start to a potentially successful day. As he goes through his day, trying to find new clients and markets, he carries anxiety and fear in him. He thinks he is not good enough—that no one is listening to him and he will fail. With this type of energy in his heart, he ensures he will never succeed. It not only impacts his psychological outlook on life, impacting his decision-making, but he also suffers physically from his anxiety. We’ve all been there after a long day of unsuccessful work. Our body hurts, we’re tired, and sometimes we just want to cry. These are all physical symptoms and dangerous ones that can lead to severe problems later in life.

Here at Polarity4Harmony, Hue Anh Nguyen works with people to help reverse their polarity back to attract the positive. Coupled with her understanding of the body from her time as a Registered Nurse, Hue Nguyen uses intuitive healing to release trapped emotions. When stagnate negativity is released, your body can begin to heal itself physically and emotionally.

Hue works remotely with hundreds of people to help them move through their blocked emotions. She has been very successful in helping entrepreneurs move through their stagnation and instantly go on to turn their luck around. From the publisher she worked with remotely who had been getting very little business and after a session immediately received phone calls, to the healer she helped at a seminar who could not sell her trade she turned around and made five sales the very next day after a session, to the real estate agent who could not get his business off the ground whom the very next week had three clients call interested in buying homes. Hue helps people succeed.

Do not let your stress dictate your success and more importantly, your health. Work with a Master Healer to replenish your body and release your negativity—it’s never too late to thrive.

Connect with Hue for a discovery session today at 916-934-4339 (Human Reverse Polarity)


Expected Benefits

Hue Nguyen

Expected Benefits
1. People around you are calmer around you
2. They feel Calm
3. Taking responsibility
4. Clarity about what going on in my life
5. Feel presence
6. More centred
7. Light switch turn on
8. Practice maintain clarity
9. Pay more attention
10. Become aware
11. Better listening
12. Follow through a task
13. Get more organised
14. Not as distracted
15. Remember thing better
16. More energy
17. Sleep better
18. Feel excited about life
19. A sense of hope
20. More gratitude
21. Start to dream again
22. Some turn on light switch
23. Activated certain gifts realization
24. People comment on positive attitude
25. Physically attractive
26. Feel younger
27. Attract things into there life
28. Financial opportunity
29. Communicate clear to family
30. Communicate connect better with co-worker
31. They become friendlier
32. Not as angry anymore
33. They feel calm to be around
34. No longer complaining
35. See the different in other people, see beyond the flaw in the other person
36. Creativity heightened
37. Become happier
38. No longer episode of feeling anxious, feel better
39. Living life again
40. New set of eyes how they see the world
41. No long talk excessively,
42. Slowed down in thought
43. More driven
44. Less physical pain
45. They process answer better
46. They can can engage with better conversation
47. They play better
48. They are not as fidgety
49. More patient
50. Feel relief

My 36 Hours of Solitude

Hue Nguyen

By Hue Anh Nguyen

In April 2019, I had the opportunity to celebrate Our Monastery Grand Opening in Bansal, CA with thousands of guests and hundreds of Nuns and Monks gathered. There was lots of beautiful energy and a great sense of peace during two days of teaching and celebration.
In the monastery, the nuns practice what is called Nhập thất, (Solitude retreat.) Some will go into solitude for many years. It is quite typical for the nuns to go for 30-49 days, or even up to a year. It is a powerful way to deepen their practice.
On many occasions, I have wanted to experience a solitude retreat. On this occasion, I was accepted by the Head Nun of the monastery. With pure intention nothing is impossible. Everything is lined up for your purpose, even with just a moment’s notice.
The Nuns offered some suggestions and quick guidance. Filled with gratitude and without wasting any time, I gathered my belongings for the next 36 hours.
I had a 10 x10 room with only my basic needs met. No phone, no text, no talking to another person. I set my alarm for 36 hours. I meditated, chanted, and did walking meditations.
I felt a great sense of peace and renewal in the 36 hours.

Would you like to cultivate some peace and flow in your life?
You, too, can try this amazing experience on your own.

- Choose a weekend or weekday, the time of least disturbance for you. Why not schedule it right now?
- Start with at least three to six hours and build from there.
- You can meditate, walk in nature, do everything you do as a meditation whether you drink tea, drink water, eat food. Know that that’s all you are doing for that time.
- Observe your thoughts and feelings, acknowledge them, and let them go without attachment.
-Let go of any outcome of gain from this time.
Just experience it.

This was an excerpt from my co-Author book 365 Life Shift a perfect gift of inspiration. Get Your Autograph Copy Only $25 this includes Shipping. Pay First Pay here comes with Autograph and Ship to anywhere in the USA Get Inspired Daily today 365 Beautiful Inspiration daily ready.

The Lotus

Hue Nguyen

I feel extremely blessed handling and arranging beautiful handmade lotuses. Each lotus has special prayers/vows, giving special merits to our respective parents.

Each lotus is filled with pure loving and compassionate energy. Handling each one individually, along with a burning candle produce soothing, meditative and calming results. With each lighting thanks are given for pure love and light.

During the time of Vu Lan, "The Buddhist holiday of Vu Lan, traditionally considered an important event in praise of motherly love, was celebrated nationwide" 

The Ullambana Sutra says: “People should vow to help their parents live 100 years without illness, suffering, afflictions or worries. They should also vow to alleviate the suffering of the hungry spirits of seven generations of ancestors to allow them to be born among men and gods and to have blessing and bliss without limit.”

We are reminded and give thanks to our parents who granted us the gift of life. It is a reminder to exhibit kindness and love to our living parents for the gift they have granted us, the ultimate gift.

Life is a series of moments. Live each moment

Hue Nguyen

Friday night I had the privilege of conversation with 16 nuns and a head monk. The head monk was a Buddhist abbott, from Dai Dang Monastery in San Diego. We had a very casual tea ceremony, a time to question and be enlightent by these holy people. 

Thay Tue Giac shared his experiences regarding his responsibility at the monastery, his love of his disciples, his love to of studying the dharma. His approach is that he never does any work. He considered everything he does in the moment an act of pleasure and joy. It is the mind interpretation as to how an individual view everything.  It was explained to me that nothing is hard, nothing is intense, it is really a minds' game to live in the moment and enjoy each moment. 

The lesson to be learn is, when living in the moment, it is just a moment. Life is play, live to enjoy it.