If you have any questions, comments or feedback or if you’d like to know more about my programs and offerings, just fill out the form below.

In the meantime, visit my Facebook Business Page for resources 



3091 Alhambra Drive
Cameron Park, CA, 95682
United States

(916) 934-4339


Expected Benefits

Hue Nguyen

Expected Benefits
1. People around you are calmer around you
2. They feel Calm
3. Taking responsibility
4. Clarity about what going on in my life
5. Feel presence
6. More centred
7. Light switch turn on
8. Practice maintain clarity
9. Pay more attention
10. Become aware
11. Better listening
12. Follow through a task
13. Get more organised
14. Not as distracted
15. Remember thing better
16. More energy
17. Sleep better
18. Feel excited about life
19. A sense of hope
20. More gratitude
21. Start to dream again
22. Some turn on light switch
23. Activated certain gifts realization
24. People comment on positive attitude
25. Physically attractive
26. Feel younger
27. Attract things into there life
28. Financial opportunity
29. Communicate clear to family
30. Communicate connect better with co-worker
31. They become friendlier
32. Not as angry anymore
33. They feel calm to be around
34. No longer complaining
35. See the different in other people, see beyond the flaw in the other person
36. Creativity heightened
37. Become happier
38. No longer episode of feeling anxious, feel better
39. Living life again
40. New set of eyes how they see the world
41. No long talk excessively,
42. Slowed down in thought
43. More driven
44. Less physical pain
45. They process answer better
46. They can can engage with better conversation
47. They play better
48. They are not as fidgety
49. More patient
50. Feel relief