If you have any questions, comments or feedback or if you’d like to know more about my programs and offerings, just fill out the form below.

In the meantime, visit my Facebook Business Page for resources 



3091 Alhambra Drive
Cameron Park, CA, 95682
United States

(916) 934-4339


Monthly Healing Support

would you like to have the highest level energetic support you need whenever you need it most

As a powerful master healer (my clients call me a miracle worker) who has supported many highly successful entrepreneurs and their families in creating far greater joy, more business flow and business success, health, peace and harmony and better relationships with my VIP Healing and Energetic Support Program.

This is the opportunity you have been waiting for to have the highest level energetic support you need whenever you need it most.

This program includes a weekly distance energy healing and alignment, for you and your immediate family members as well as in between tune up energetic support if needed (this is perfect for times when you are experiencing more stress such as the holidays, or during a launch or big promotion in your business) and access to me via email or text for questions and guidance when needed.

The value of this package is $2,000 monthly but through the end of 2019 for those who sign up with a minimum of a 6 month commitment I am offering this for only $400 monthly.

For only $400 monthly for a minimum of a 6 month commitment you can receive the highest level healing support and energetic alignment


Here is a couple of testimonials from my clients 

Hue Anh Nguyen is a very powerful and magical healer. I discovered her 4 years ago and she's been such a huge gift in my life. Being a healer/coach myself I'm very particular and picky about who gets to touch my energy and who I seek support from. And Hue is one of those people who I fully trust with my energy because I know how amazing, clean and clear she is as a healer. Hue has been working on my and my family's energy every month doing weekly remote healing sessions for us. The intention for these sessions is because as a healer myself and after having my first baby, I wanted to ensure that my energy and my family's energy is always in alignment when we show up in the world.

Doesn't mean that I can't do this for myself or my family, but the truth is we all need support and assistance especially because life can get super busy -

Hue has made this such a beautiful experience for us. And you don't have to wait for chaos to arise in your life to get an energy healing session, even if everything is going beautifully in your life, like it is in mine, receiving this high level of support has been priceless.

During each session she makes sure that we are all aligned, centred, balanced, clean and clear. She releases what isn't in alignment with our highest good. And I always know when she's done a session on us based on how I feel and the energy that's flowing through me. If you have the opportunity to work with Hue Ahn Nguyen consider yourself blessed.

Connecting with her is truly worth it. She will assist you to go higher and higher on your journey, release what's no longer serving you so you can feel the freedom of living your best life right now and she will guide you to experience the miracles, peace, love and joy that you are searching for within you. M. Dela Cruz


special $400 monthly

BONUS guided meditation. weekly guided meditation. I am ready to invest

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Monthly Healing Support
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You can be billed up to $400.00USD
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My marriage was a mess. Hue is truly an angel that God sent to live here with us. She helped me realigned my energy flow and I can already see the benefits for attracting success. My health is getting better, I have a higher level of awareness now. Not only is me benefitting from the energy healing but my whole family. Peace and harmony is now flowing in our home also because I have been cleared and has been calmed more so than ever.

More power to you Hue. I am always grateful to God for using you as his instrument to help many people in different issues in their lives May God bless you more
— Shei, Ventura CA

It's time to shift NOW! 


Monthly Healing Support
Enter the maximum amount you want to pay each month
You can be billed up to $400.00USD
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