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3091 Alhambra Drive
Cameron Park, CA, 95682
United States

(916) 934-4339


a Few of my Favorite Program

The best way to know something is ask. I like to introduce you to some of my favorite program and people who has helped my with either my speech or coaching.


Speech Writing Secrets of a Champion - (PowerPoint Show)

by James L. Jeffley

We all have to give speeches at some point.

Whether you're in sales, IT, education, project management, social activism, the C-suite or climbing the ladder, you will eventually have to speak in front of people:

  • Sales presentations
  • Project reports
  • Pitching your ideas
  • Promoting your business
  • Inspiring a group

    My names is James L. Jeffley and I have been speaking in front of audiences since I was five years old.  I was a State Champion orator by the age of 14, a champion debater in high school and have given hundreds of speeches, classes, workshops etc...all across the US, Canada, Australia, the UK and Malaysia.  In 2014 and 2015 I was a finalist in the World Championship of Public Speaking for Toastmasters.

    I want to teach you the "secrets" of how to quickly write compelling, impactful speeches, based on my own experience of writing and delivering championship speeches.  While you may not be on a world stage in front of 3,000 people, what you have to say is important and I want to give you tools to help make the process easier, more efficient and faster. (all of this just $47)

Speech Writing Secrets of a Champion - (MP4 video)

by James L. Jeffley

We all have to give speeches at some point.

Whether you're in sales, IT, education, project management, social activism, the C-suite or climbing the ladder, you will eventually have to speak in front of people:

  • Sales presentations
  • Project reports
  • Pitching your ideas
  • Promoting your business
  • Inspiring a group

It can be a nerve-wracking experience - especially if you don't know what to say, or how to say it. (just $47)



After returning from the Wealthy Visionary Conference, I thought of my clients.

I have a special opportunity I'd like to share with you, my readers but first I'd like to tell you about my special friend and teacher, Marcia Wieder. 
As the CEO of Dream University and the creator of the Dream Coach Certification, Marcia has written 14 books on how to achieve your dreams, appeared on Oprah several times and is on the Board for the Make A Wish Foundation.  Her methods are currently used by families, in schools, shelters, and even prisons, as well as used by companies world-wide. 

I was personally trained by her in this work, and although I knew I was signing up for a coaching course, one where I would learn how to make dreams come true for clients like you, I didn't know what a life changing experience was in store for me.   
In order to help others, I first had to learn how to make my own dreams come true and before I could do that, I had to discover my Life's Purpose, which I did!  Then I had to come clean where I was out of integrity with my soul and what I needed to do in order to get myself back in right relationship. Wow, what journey that was! 
The process that Marcia took me through was deep, profound and has forever changed my life. It was a big investment of time and thousands of dollars, but it was totally worth it. 

Well, guess what? Although she no longer offers it live, I was thrilled to hear she has now a stunning and online version that you can take, at a fraction of the cost and from the comfort of your own home.