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3091 Alhambra Drive
Cameron Park, CA, 95682
United States

(916) 934-4339



Radio appearances

Radio appearances

Hi, my name is Hue Anh, I am a Master Teacher and Master Healer over 20 years of experience providing transformational healing for thousands of people by detecting and releasing negative energies using my unique restorative process I created for correcting what is known as Reverse Polarity.

I was born in Qui Nhon Vietnam, I am a perfect blend of my parents. I inherited my mother’s inner strength and an entrepreneur and from my fisherman father, I learned how to harvest the depths of the unknown by bringing up exactly what people need, healing, clarity, nourishment and balance.

I inherited my mother psychic abilities, began my journey of learning to heal by learning Reiki, Qi Qong and Traditional Vietnamese healing techniques.

It was not until after I married a man I loved deeply and had my first child that things began to unravel. I had conflicting emotions about my work as a nurse and having to put my son in day care and I also began a home based business. The stress and overwhelm led to marital conflict and this only intensified after we discovered I was pregnant again.

My emotions were all over the place, I found myself happy one minute and angry and sad the next. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and was now in constant pain.

I found myself miserable and avoiding my family and focusing only on my businesses. I then found out I had an ovarian cyst and spent the next few years trying every healing modality I could find (Acupuncture, rebirthing, Reiki etc), but nothing was relieving my pain or deep unhappiness. I knew the physical manifestations were signs of deeper emotional trauma (I always saw my illness in metaphysical terms) but I felt like I was swimming against the current.

I had always been a spiritually self -aware person but I felt so stuck. My turning point was when I went to a coworker who specialized in nutritional healing to see if I had a nutrient deficiency and she took out some magnets and told me that my polarity was reversed. I learned that 80% of people experience this energy reversal and it leads to varying levels of symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, pain, depression and insomnia.

Although it took more than her single correction session to shift my polarity it led me on my journey into this amazing discovery. I also went to a Vietnamese Shaman who helped me to take responsibility for my part in the failing health.

I was so aligned with my gifts that life started to get magical again. I am pain free and I now have the capacity to really enjoy my husband and three children. The key to my transformation was I now had energy that was corrected and I was living life on a much higher vibration.

Let me help you and your family to create a balance lifestyle.