If you have any questions, comments or feedback or if you’d like to know more about my programs and offerings, just fill out the form below.

In the meantime, visit my Facebook Business Page for resources 



3091 Alhambra Drive
Cameron Park, CA, 95682
United States

(916) 934-4339

Healing Circle


Twice a month I will conduct healing and meditation sessions focused around a different topic. Some of the topics we will cover are money, relationships, health, and many more. Sessions will be recorded in case you are unable to attend live.

The results you will experience from the sessions are very powerful and you will find as I align your energy to the frequency of success you will experience more peace, abundance, and flow in all aspects of your life.

This is the most affordable way to work with me. You can transform your life by healing emotional and energetic blocks. As you raise your vibration, you will become a stronger magnet for people, situations, and opportunities aligned with your highest good and intentions.

Group Healing Monthly Membership ($97) $500 in Value for $97,

  • LIVE group healing and meditation sessions 2x/mo (recordings provided if you can't attend live).

  • Access to all the previous healing and meditation recordings

  • Fresh weekly content including videos

  • Private Facebook group access

Join today for $30 and Agree to pay $30 every month, opt-out anytime

I know that I can opt-out anytime.

Join Today Discount $30 A month

Get a $50 Voucher for your one on one healing.

Value at $500

12 months of monthly healing $297

One year of healing , pay it all for  $297 that saving of $147

I want to save $127 Now.

$297  pay once a year

Get $50 credits towards VIP session with this offer


1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 3 pm PST via Zoom and Live in private facebook group, 6pm EST. 

Once Pay Ask to JOIN Private Pay group Healing

JOIN Hue Anh Healing Facebook Group

For our first very powerful group healing, we will focus on healing and releasing blocks around money abundance. Fear, Anger, Anxiety...

""I felt relaxed and like release weight off my shoulders. I really have seen major shifts since I began attending your healing" Abigail Transformation Alchemist Healer

" After 3 weeks working with Hue, I had over $40,000 in Business after months of no job orders" Bradley

“ I went to sleep without any help for the first time since 1989, after the group Healing with Hue, Powerful”


 I will align your energy to an optimal frequency for abundance. If you would love to create more wealth and abundance in your life, sign up for your membership now!  or

One Time No Obligation Group Healing for $50 PAY HERE
