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Life is a series of moments. Live each moment

Hue Nguyen

Friday night I had the privilege of conversation with 16 nuns and a head monk. The head monk was a Buddhist abbott, from Dai Dang Monastery in San Diego. We had a very casual tea ceremony, a time to question and be enlightent by these holy people. 

Thay Tue Giac shared his experiences regarding his responsibility at the monastery, his love of his disciples, his love to of studying the dharma. His approach is that he never does any work. He considered everything he does in the moment an act of pleasure and joy. It is the mind interpretation as to how an individual view everything.  It was explained to me that nothing is hard, nothing is intense, it is really a minds' game to live in the moment and enjoy each moment. 

The lesson to be learn is, when living in the moment, it is just a moment. Life is play, live to enjoy it.