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My 36 Hours of Solitude

Hue Nguyen

By Hue Anh Nguyen

In April 2019, I had the opportunity to celebrate Our Monastery Grand Opening in Bansal, CA with thousands of guests and hundreds of Nuns and Monks gathered. There was lots of beautiful energy and a great sense of peace during two days of teaching and celebration.
In the monastery, the nuns practice what is called Nhập thất, (Solitude retreat.) Some will go into solitude for many years. It is quite typical for the nuns to go for 30-49 days, or even up to a year. It is a powerful way to deepen their practice.
On many occasions, I have wanted to experience a solitude retreat. On this occasion, I was accepted by the Head Nun of the monastery. With pure intention nothing is impossible. Everything is lined up for your purpose, even with just a moment’s notice.
The Nuns offered some suggestions and quick guidance. Filled with gratitude and without wasting any time, I gathered my belongings for the next 36 hours.
I had a 10 x10 room with only my basic needs met. No phone, no text, no talking to another person. I set my alarm for 36 hours. I meditated, chanted, and did walking meditations.
I felt a great sense of peace and renewal in the 36 hours.

Would you like to cultivate some peace and flow in your life?
You, too, can try this amazing experience on your own.

- Choose a weekend or weekday, the time of least disturbance for you. Why not schedule it right now?
- Start with at least three to six hours and build from there.
- You can meditate, walk in nature, do everything you do as a meditation whether you drink tea, drink water, eat food. Know that that’s all you are doing for that time.
- Observe your thoughts and feelings, acknowledge them, and let them go without attachment.
-Let go of any outcome of gain from this time.
Just experience it.

This was an excerpt from my co-Author book 365 Life Shift a perfect gift of inspiration. Get Your Autograph Copy Only $25 this includes Shipping. Pay First Pay here comes with Autograph and Ship to anywhere in the USA Get Inspired Daily today 365 Beautiful Inspiration daily ready.